Dear customers! Orders for international delivery are processed manually. to converting to local currency. For registration of free international delivery using courier DHL We ask you to contact us by phone or using the WhatsApp mobile messenger or our e-mail.

You can call/sms us +1 213 283 0532
Also we are available in all popular instant messengers like - WhatsApp, Line, Viber, Telegram, WeChat by phone number +1 213 283 0532
Facebook Messenger
Email (form below)
JivoChat (bottom right form)
Please install WhatsApp if you have not done so from the official site. if you haven't done it yet
WhatsApp quickly and easily recognizes which of your contacts are using WhatsApp by accessing your phone's address book.
The first method using the address book phone numbers
- Save a contact's name and phone number in your phone's address book.
- Save the number in full international format
+1 213 283 0532
like "HGH Thailand"
- Open WhatsApp and go to the Chats tab.
- Tap the new chat icon > Refresh.
- Find "HGH Thailand in new chat and start chat with us!

The following method is easier - by clicking on the link
Click on the link from your phone (if you have installed WhatsApp, the window will open automatically.
or send Email