Genotropin GoQuick 12 mg 36 IU - Step-by-step activation instructions with pictures

Genotropin GoQuick 12 mg 36 IU - Step-by-step activation instructions with pictures

This instruction is published for your convenience. Activation takes no more than 5 minutes, please read the instructions carefully

Component Description of HGH pen

Genotropin GoQuick 12 mg 36 IU - Step-by-step activation instructions with pictures

 Component Description of HGH needles

Component Description of HGH needles

Step 1- Install Needles 

Install HGH Needles

After installing the needle, you can start mixing the water solution and HGH powder

Step 2 - Mixing of HGH

- mixing occurs by screwing the cartridge left to right into the pen

- as shown in the picture on the handle there are 3 positions A, B, C

- take the pen with both hands and start screwing from left to right from the position A to B

Attention, mixing is performed only in a vertical position with a needle up!

- during the screwing  may be characteristic sounds of clicks - this is absolutely normal

Mixing of HGH pen

- now you can remove the protective cap from the needle

- Now you can remove the protective cap from the needle

- then we continue to screwing  from the position B to C

Attention, during screwing a few drops out of a needle from position B to C can come out - this is absolutely normal and prudent of the manufacturer’s factory and in no way affects the content (0,3 mg extra)

Genotropin GoQuick 12 mg 36 IU - Step-by-step activation instructions with pictures
- congratulations the pen is mixed!

Step 3 - Dosing Installation

- to set the dosing for example (0.9 mg -3 IU) need to turn the black wheel

Genotropin GoQuick 12 mg 36 IU - Step-by-step activation instructions with pictures

Step 4 - Charging for Injection

- before injection you need to erect (charge the pen)

Genotropin GoQuick 12 mg 36 IU - Step-by-step activation instructions with pictures


both numbers must be the same

HGH Pen ready for injection!

-please note: pressing the purple button should only proceed while the needle is under the skin, pressing leads to an injection


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Jamie - June 28, 2023

I don’t understand the dosage marker. Is .3 mg or is that 3iu? I do not understand how to dose 3iu.

PAvel - January 16, 2020

Donde se consigue la pluma no la encuentro en ningun lugar

Marry - October 22, 2019

Thank you , batter more than videos on youtube

Anonymous - October 7, 2019

Hi , video will added soon , thank you

Jonh - October 7, 2019

can you make a video?

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